Deep Scaling


Deep Scaling or Deep Gum Cleaning

Why do I need deep scaling?

If your periodontal pockets are inflamed and greater than 5 mm, you may need to have a deep scaling procedure done to stabilise the gum disease. Normal cleaning will not be enough to resolve the problem.

What is involved in deep scaling?

Gums are numbed up, and various power-driven and manual instruments are used to remove calculus (tartar) from periodontal pockets.

The goal of deep scaling. Removal of calculus (tartar) from the root surfaces and reduction of inflammation.

Possible side effects of deep scaling. Temporary tenderness of the gums and cold sensitivity of the teeth. Tenderness of the gums should subside within 24-48 hours after deep scaling. To improve the results of deep scaling, it is advisable to take all medications (antibiotics and painkillers) as prescribed by the dentist.

Not all patients develop teeth sensitivity as a result of deep scaling, but if it does occur, professional and over-the-counter products are very successful in fixing this (Sensodyne toothpaste, tooth mousse or others as prescribed by your clinician).

In some cases, small amounts of gum recession will occur as a result of the reduction of inflammation. The amount of recession one may get is hard to unpredict and depends on the stage of gum disease the patient has.

The cost of deep scaling and root planning.

The price depends on how many quadrants you need to be treated. One quadrant is $554.00.

Can I avoid deep scaling and go straight into Perioscopy? In most cases, Perioscopy is ineffective without previous deep scaling due to advanced gum inflammation present. However, for some patients, it is possible to go straight into Perioscopy; this will be determined on a case-by-case basis by your clinician.

Call us on (09) 6003110

Victoria Riechelmann